Dr. Vidhi Vatsala

Last Modified: Mar 30, 2023


Table of Contents

  • 01.5 Ways Drinking Water Prevents Health issue
  • 02.Conclusion

Water is considered the cure for all problems. You must have heard from medical professionals and health coaches saying – “drink more water to lead a healthy life”. Water is a natural medicine to flush away all the toxins from your body. And it is equally beneficial to maintain oral health hygiene. As your body is a whole system, everything is connected and a disturbance in any organ affects oral health.

To maintain oral hygiene, you can begin your journey by drinking lots of water. Let’s dwell further to understand how water is the best detox drink for good oral care.

5 Ways Drinking Water Prevents Health issues:

From flushing out all food particles to regulating pH levels, water can be your best oral hygiene maintenance friend.

Flushes Away Food Particles

When you eat or drink, tiny food particles and bacteria can get stuck in your teeth and gums. If these particles aren’t removed, they can lead to the buildup of plaque which can cause cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Drinking water can help to flush away these particles and prevent them from building up in your mouth.

Water is particularly effective at cleaning your mouth after a meal. Swishing water around in your mouth can help to dislodge any food particles that may be stuck between your teeth or along your gum line.

Increases Saliva Production

Saliva is essential for maintaining good oral health. It helps to neutralize acids in your mouth that can erode tooth enamel and cause cavities. Saliva also contains enzymes that help to break down food particles and bacteria.

Drinking water can help to increase saliva production in your mouth. This is particularly important if you suffer from dry mouth. When your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva, it often leads to problems like dry mouth which can affect oral health and hygiene. This can be caused by certain medications, medical conditions, or simply by not drinking enough water. When you have a dry mouth, you are at an increased risk of developing cavities and gum disease.

Contains Fluoride

Many public water systems contain fluoride, which is a natural mineral that can help to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride strengthens your tooth enamel and makes it more resistant to decay and enhances oral care. It can also help to repair the early stages of tooth decay before they become cavities.

If you drink tap water, you may be getting fluoride without even realising it. You can also get fluoride from some bottled water brands. Be sure to check the label to see if fluoride is added.

Helps regulate pH levels

Drinking water helps to regulate the pH levels in the mouth, which can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria to maintain oral health and hygiene. When the pH levels are too low, the mouth becomes more acidic, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

In addition, drinking water can help to reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation can contribute to a variety of health issues, including gum disease. By reducing inflammation, you may be able to prevent or reduce the severity of oral health issues.

Good for Overall Health

Drinking water is good for your overall health, and this includes your oral health. When you are properly hydrated, your body is better able to fight off infections and heal itself. This can help to prevent oral health issues like gum disease and tooth decay.


Water is an easy and effective way to maintain good oral hygiene. It helps to keep the mouth hydrated, wash away food particles and debris, increase saliva production, protect teeth with fluoride, and regulate pH levels in the mouth.



Dr. Vidhi Vatsala

Mar 30, 2023