Dr. Vidhi Vatsala

Last Modified: Mar 18, 2023


Table of Contents

  • 01. Teeth aligners fitting process
  • 02. Monitoring process

Teeth aligners are orthodontic devices used to straighten teeth and optimise your teeth’ health. They exert gentle pressure on the teeth to move them into the desired position. Aligners are typically worn for 20-22 hours a day for several weeks or months and are replaceable with a new set of teeth aligners as the teeth move into the desired position. Patients with teeth misalignment issues like a deep bite, gaps, overlap, and crossbite can get the invisible aligners treatment. They are easy and convenient to use and results in good smiles.

Teeth aligners fitting process
The process of getting invisible aligners may vary for every patient but here’s a general idea of how the process usually goes down:

Consultation with an orthodontist

During the initial consultation, the orthodontist will examine your teeth’ alignment. Based on the information gathered during the consultation the orthodontist will initiate the process of creating custom invisible aligners that will fit your teeth to begin your treatment. If you have any queries regarding the treatment, it is important to ask the orthodontist and have a clear mind and correct expectations before getting into the treatment.

Treatment plan
The teeth alignment treatment plan begins with 3D scanning and photographs of the teeth. Scanning light is LED, not X-ray, just like a high-end digital camera, which takes 1000s of images from all sides and ties them together. Scans are used by orthodontists to create a digital replica of teeth, known as orthodontic study models. All this information about your teeth is gathered and a 3D structure of your teeth is prepared. These are then used to design the final position of each that needs movement.

Moulding of teeth

The prepared digital model is then set for 3D printing. The teeth moulding procedure is typically performed for making customized orthodontic appliances. This is important for maintaining a proper fit of the aligner and enhancing the optimal movement of the teeth during the alignment process.

Tray fitting Day

Once your aligner tray is ready, it’s time to get them fitted on your teeth. The first set of teeth aligners will be positioned over the teeth and the orthodontist will carefully check the fit. They will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a snug and comfortable fit.

If necessary, the orthodontist may trim the teeth aligners to improve the fit or to ensure that they are not interfering with the bite and there are no areas of discomfort or undue pressure.

The dentist or orthodontist will provide instructions on how to care for the invisible aligners and when to replace them with the next set in the treatment series. They will also explain how to monitor progress and what to do if there are any issues with the fit of the aligners.

Wear and care of teeth aligners

You will need to wear your teeth aligners for 20-22 hours a day and have to change the new set every 1-2 weeks. It is important to maintain cleanliness by brushing and rinsing them regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush and denture solution or a home solution.

Invisible aligners also maintain hygiene and prevent tooth decay and gum disease as it’s easy to remove to clean the teeth. For cleaning simply just take the tray out and brush your teeth normally. The most important is a regular checkup and following the orthodontist’s advice.

Monitoring process

You need to return within 4-6 weeks for a checkup and know your progress by making adjustments to your treatment plan. During these visits, the Orthodontist will check the fit of the invisible aligners, remove any premature contact points which may hinder teeth movement and correlate the progress with the digital plan made initially.

The duration of treatment typically takes around 6-18 months depending upon your condition. You will notice a difference in the appearance of your teeth after a few weeks of treatment.

Your treatment plan might vary in terms of the number of visits you’ll have to make to dentists, the number of trays of aligners required, etc., but overall this is what the process of getting teeth aligners looks like and if followed through completely with an orthodontist’s guidance, you’ll achieve your desired smile in a short amount of time.


Dr. Vidhi Vatsala

Mar 18, 2023